Highland Park 21 Year Old is a legendary whisky with a noteworthy reputation. It was first released as a limited-time bottling in 2009 and named the World’s Best Single Malt Scotch Whisky in the same year. Over a decade then passed before Highland Park Master Whisky Maker, Gordon Motion finally deemed a selection of casks exceptional enough to match the quality of the original and re-released it.
Tangy fresh ginger and sun-ripened oranges come to fore, driven by the sherry seasoned first-fill European oak hogsheads, while the ex-bourbon casks bring soft ribbons of vanilla cream with a drizzle of honey. Refill casks, balancing the influence of oak from the first-fill casks, leave just a hint of lightly toasted oak and soften the whisky’s smoky, spicy complexity.
Created from just 55 hand-selected casks laid down in November 1998, our 2020 Release of Highland Park 21 Year Old is a fine example of a single malt whisky that has truly come of age.
We’ve been crafting our award-winning whisky at the Highland Park Distillery in Kirkwall, Orkney, since 1798. Age, experience and respect for tradition may define our whisky, but it’s Orkney that sets it apart. Something magic happens here and the result is the wild harmony of flavours found in our whisky.